
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Leeches Info!

Leech Info!!
( Teruskan membaca Sampai Habis..Booster Lintah pun ada!! )


Illustration: K. Dempsey
Leeches are annelids or segmented worms, and although closely related to the earthworms, are anatomically and behaviourally more specialised.
The bodies of all leeches are divided into the same number of segments (34), with a powerful clinging sucker at each end (although the anterior, or front sucker can be very small). Body shape is variable, but to some extent depends on the degree to which their highly muscular bodies are contracted. The mouth is in the anterior sucker and the anus is on the dorsal surface (top) just in front of the rear sucker.
Leeches usually have three jaws and make a Y-shaped incision. The Australian land leech has only two jaws and makes a V-shaped incision. Australian leeches can vary in size from about 7 mm long to as much as 200 mm when extended.
Different Types
Leeches are grouped according to the different ways they feed. One group (the jawed leeches or Gnatbobdellida) have jaws armed with teeth with which they bite the host. The blood is prevented from clotting by production of a non-enzymatic secretion called hirudin. The land leech commonly encountered by bushwalkers is included in this group.
Jaw drawings, after M. Stachowitsch The Invertebrates - an Illustrated Glossary
A second group (the jawless leeches or Rhyncobdellida) insert a needle-like protrusion called a proboscis into the body of the host and secrete an enzyme, hemetin which dissolves clots once they have formed. Leeches which live on body fluids of worms and small freshwater snails possess such an apparatus.
A third group, (the worm leeches or Pharyngobdellida) have no jaws or teeth and swallow the prey whole. Its food consists of small invertebrates.
Respiration takes place through the body wall, and a slow undulating movement observed in some leeches is said to assist gaseous exchange. Aquatic leeches tend to move to the surface when they find themselves in water of low oxygen content. As a fall in atmospheric pressure results in a small decrease in dissolved oxygen concentrations, rising leeches in a jar of water provided nineteenth century weather forecasters with a simple way of predicting bad weather.
Sense Organs
Sensory organs on the head and body surface enable a leech to detect changes in light intensity, temperature, and vibration. Chemical receptors on the head provide a sense of smell and there may be one or more pairs of eyes. The number of eyes and their arrangement can be of some use in Identification, however to properly identify a leech, dissection is required.
The Rhyncobdellids are capable of dramatic colour changes, and although not an attempt at camouflage, the significance of this behaviour is unknown.
As hermaphrodites, leeches have both male and female sex organs. Like the earthworms they also have a clitellum, a region of thickened skin which is only obvious during the reproductive period. Mating involves the intertwining of bodies where each deposits sperm in the others' clitellar area. Rhyncobdellids have no penis but produce sharp packages of sperm which are forced through the body wall.

The sperm then make their way to the ovaries where fertilisation takes place. The clitellum secretes a tough gelatinous cocoon which contains nutrients, and it is in this that the eggs are deposited.
The leech shrugs itself free of the cocoon, sealing it as it passes over the head.
The cocoon is either buried or attached to a rock, log or leaf and dries to a foamy crust. After several weeks or months, the young emerge as miniature adults. Studies show that the cocoons are capable of surviving the digestive system of a duck. Leeches die after one or two bouts of reproduction.
Most leeches are sanguivorous, that is they feed as blood sucking parasites on preferred hosts. If the preferred food is not available most leeches will feed on other classes of host. Some feed on the blood of humans and other mammals, while others parasitise fish, frogs, turtles or birds. Some leeches will even take a meal from other sanguivorous leeches which may die after the attack.
Sanguivorous leeches can ingest several times their own weight in blood at one meal. After feeding the leech retires to a dark spot to digest its meal. Digestion is slow and this enables the leech to survive during very long fasting periods (up to several months).
Foraging - How does a leech go about searching for a blood meal?

A hungry leech is very responsive to light and mechanical stimuli. It tends to change position frequently, and explore by head movement and body waving. It also assumes an alert posture, extending to full length and remaining motionless. This is thought to maximise the function of the sensory structures in the skin.
In response to disturbances by an approaching host, the leech will commence "inchworm crawling", continuing in a trial and error way until the anterior sucker touches the host and attaches. Aquatic leeches are more likely to display this "pursuit" behaviour, while common land leeches often accidentally attach to a host.
The Bite
When a jawed leech bites it holds the sucker in place by making its body rigid. Using its semi circular and many toothed jaws like minute saws, it then makes an incision in the skin and excretes a mucous from the nephropores (external openings from the kidney-like organs). This helps the sucker to adhere. A salivary secretion containing the anticoagulant and a histamine floods the wound and the leech relaxes its body to allow the blood to be ingested. This mixture allows the blood to flow and also prevents clotting once inside the leech. A bacterium in the gut of the leech assists the digestion of the blood, and it has been shown that the type of bacterium varies with the type of host on which the leech feeds. The bacterium also prevents growth of other bacteria which may cause the ingested blood to putrefy.
Most leeches are freshwater animals, but many terrestrial and marine species occur.
Land leeches are common on the ground or in low foliage in wet rain forests. In drier forests they may be found on the ground in seepage moistened places. Most do not enter water and cannot swim, but can survive periods of immersion.
In dry weather, some species burrow in the soil where they can survive for many months even in a total lack of environmental water. In these conditions the body is contracted dry and rigid, the suckers not distinguishable, and the skin completely dry. Within ten minutes of sprinkling with a few drops of water, these leeches emerge, fully active.
Freshwater leeches prefer to live in still or slowly flowing waters, but specimens have been collected from fast flowing streams.
Some species are considered amphibious as they have been observed in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats.
Uses in Medicine
For over 2000 years, leeches were needlessly applied for many ailments as an adjunct to blood letting. Their use in Europe peaked between 1830 and 1850, but subsequent shortages led to a decline in their use. Today there is a real clinical application in that they are of great value to plastic surgeons when venous congestion of skin and muscle flaps is a problem.
Leeches are treated in the same way as blood products and are reused only on the same patient.
Medical use of leeches also includes treatment of black eyes, and hirudin is used in the treatment of inflammation of the middle ear. Hirudin is also being developed for experimental use as a systemic anticoagulant, and may prove useful in invitro blood sampling.
The most common enquiry regarding leeches concerns repellents. It is unknown whether a specific preparation is commercially available but there is a plethora of tried and tested, but unproven leech-protection ideas. These include a lather of bath soap smeared on exposed parts and left to dry, applications of eucalyptus oil, tropical strength insect repellent, lemon juice and impenetrable barriers of socks and pantyhose.
The Wound
The presence of hirudin in the wound following a leech bite may cause oozing to continue for several hours. Although inconvenient, blood loss is not significant.
Gut bacteria can cause wound infection. In the post-operative use of leeches this is closely monitored and dealt with by use of the appropriate antibiotic.
There may also be a delayed irritation and itching after a bite. There appears to be no support for the theory that mouthparts left behind after forced removal of the leech causes this reaction.
Can leeches transmit disease? There is no evidence to suggest that they do. The presence of trypanosomes, (malarial parasites), in the gut of jawless leeches has been noted, but jawed leeches do not appear to be hosts.
Allergy to leech bite has been reported. Medical opinion should be sought, depending on the severity of the reaction.
Mann, K.H. 1962. Leeches (Hirudinea) Their structure, Physiology, Ecology and Embryology. Pergamon Press Ltd
Williams, W.D.Australian Freshwater Life. Globe Press
Sawe, R.T. Leech Biology & Behaviour (reprint). Neurobiology of the Leech, 1981. Cola Spring Harbour Laboratory
Seliznev, K.G. et al. Use of the medicinal Leech in the treatment of ear diseases. Relat. Spec. (Switz) 1992 54 (1) 1-4
Wills, M.D. et al. The Medicinal Leech: an old treatment revisited. Microsurgery (US) 1993 14 (3) 183-6
Richardson, L.R. Observations on the Australian Land Leech, Chtonobdella Libbata (Grube, 1866). Aust. Zoologist V. XIV (3) 1968
Davies, R.W., Linton, L.R., Wrona, F.J. Passive dispersal of Four Species of Freshwater Leeches (Hirudinoidea) by ducks. Freshwater Invertebrate Biol. 1982 1(4) 40-44
Richardson, L.R. Trypanosomes in the crop of an Haemadipsid leech. 1968 Aust. Journal of Sci. vol 30 (9)

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lintah Sabah!

Selamat Datang / Welcome to Lintah Sabah Blog!!

Lintah Sabah Ada:
1. Menjual Induk Lintah,
2. Makanan Booster Lintah,
3. Buku Panduan Lintah / E-book
4. Produk-produk berasaskan Lintah!!
5. Rawatan Alternatif Bekam Lintah!
6. Kursus Penternakan Lintah!
7. Kursus Usahawan Spa Lintah!
8. Kursus Rawatan Alternatif Bekam Lintah!


Ramai pastinya berasa geli-geleman jika disuruh memegang lintah. Apa tidaknya, dengan bentuk tubuh yang bergerutu, licin, liat dan terkenal sebagai penghisap darah, lintah bukan menjadi pilihan untuk dibelai. Terdapat 650 spesis lintah di dunia di mana hanya diketahui 20 jenis spesis sahaja yang di pelihara untuk tujuan perubatan.

Lintah boleh membesar 6 hingga 10 kali ganda dari saiz asalnya dimana seekor induk lintah boleh menghasilkan 30 hingga 100 benih sekali bertelur dan seekor lintah mempunyai 32 otak di badannya di mana melebihi 31 otak berbanding manusia. Cuba kita bayangkan?

Lintah adalah haiwan jenis ‘hermapordit’ iaitu mempunyai sifat jantan serta betina dalam satu badan dan memerlukan darah yang mencukupi untuk mengawan dan membiak. Darah belut dikenal pasti sebagai paling berkhasiat untuk pembesaran lintah.

Sejak ribuan tahun lintah banyak digunakan masyarakat dalam menyelesaikan masalah pengaliran darah. Kandungan hirudin yang tinggi di dalam lintah adalah antikoagulan ( menghalang pembekuan darah ) yang sangat berkesan. Histamin pula berperanan sebagai vasolidator ( mengembangkan saluran darah).

Ternyata kaedah penyembuhan dengan menggunakan lintah merupakan tatacara yang telah digunakan dari Abad Pertengahan lagi. Seekor lintah mengandungi zat-zat di mana terdapat 15 unsur yang bermanfaat untuk proses penyembuhan luka antaranya seperti berikut:
• Nitric Oxide – fungsi menegang
• Hirudun – menghalang pembekuan darah
• Pheromone – meningkatkan rangsangan seksual
• Histamine – sebagai vasolidator ( pengembangan )
• Hysluronidase – sebagai anesthetic Khasiat-khasiat lintah
• Melancarkan pengaliran darah
• Menyembuhkan lenguh-lenguh sendi dan urat
• Melegakan kembung perut
• Menyembuhkan penyakit Gout
• Melegakan penyakit Stroke
• Mengurangkan sakit sengatan binatang buas
• Membesarkan alat kelamin serta meningkatkan rangsangan seksual

Lintah - Hirudinaria Manillenses
*Hirudo medicinalis nama saintifik mempunyai penghisap pada kedua-dua belah hujuAdd Imageng
tetapi 1 penghisap saja yang berfungsi menghisap darah.
*Dua jenis lintah
- Hijau – terdapat di sungai
- Coklat - Sawah
*Boleh hidup selama 6 bulan tanpa makanan dengan memakan tisunya sendiri untuk hidup.
*Lintah berbadan Leper.

- Lintah hidup dikawasan panas tetapi terlindung dari matahari.
- Ia tidak hidup diair yang dalam kerana sekiranya air itu tidak mempunyai oksigen yang
mencukupi lintah akan naik ke dasar air untuk mendapatkan oksigen.
- Lintah selalunya bersembunyi, pemalu.
- Aktif waktu malam.
- Tidak suka air masin, rendah nilai kapur,
- Mengunakan air sungai, hujun, air telaga,


- Jangan beri makanan berdarah seperti lembu, hati ayam dan daging segar ini akan
menyebabkan air kolam menjadi keruh dan berbau
-Jangan biarkan ikan keli atau belut terlalu lama semasa memberi makan lintah, Kurang lebih 1- 2 jam cukup. Kerana ia akan mengeluarkan lendir dan menyebabkan air berbau busuk.
- Semasa memberi makan lintah, Penternak di syorkan mencuci tangan dahulu.
- Dilarang merokok semasa proses ini kerana jika terkena membuat lintah mandul.
- Air PH yang sesuai 6.7 – 6.9 neutral.
- Keladi Bunting dan Kiambang diperlukan sebagai plankton yang memberi tambahan vitamin kepada lintah.

- lintah adalah jenis hermapordit iaitu jantan dan betina dalam satu badan
- Memerlukan pasangannya untuk mengawan dan membiak.
- Lintah menderma sperma ke dalam pasangan masing - masing.
- Lintah boleh bertelur sebanyak 100 – 250 biji untuk seekor lintah
- Lintah mula bertelur adalah seawal usia 3 bulan
- 1 ekor lintah menghasilkan kurang lebih 1 kilo lintah dalam masa 8-12 bulan.
- Makanan Lintah belut atau ikan keli diberi 2kali seminggu sekali
Untuk mempercepatkan pembiakan.
- komposisi Baja perlu ditaburkan seminggu sekali

– Pentingnya Lintah kepada manusia-
- Air Liur lintah merupakan bahan anti pembekuan darah
- pembedahan plastik.
- Mengeluarkan darah kotor pesakit.
- Barangan Komestik.
- Semua penyakit yang berkaitan dengan Darah.

Bahan-bahan membuat kolam

- Tangki Poly / Politank
- Net Nyamuk.
- Span Nipis.
- Jaring Penghalang Matahari / Shedding Net
- Batu sungai
- Keladi bunting atau Kiambang
- Kertas PH
- Pasu Bunga / PVC Paip 2inch
- Pasir , Tanah Sawah, Tahi kerbau.
- Gam

Teknik Tanah Sawah dalam Baldi!!
( Menambah hasil lintah dengan lebih berkesan )

Teknik 100% Booster!!

Sila hubungi saya untuk penerangan..

Cocoon perbezaan Telur
Lintah membiak ada dua cara setakat ini iaitu Telur - 30% survuval rate.... mengikut keadaan kolam dan kesuaian suhu. Pupa - 90% survival rate..... di atas darat ataupun di tebing2 kolam. bukan dalam kolam Pupa boleh menghasilkan 8 hingga 11 ekor dalam satu pupa. Semua keluar terus saiz lidi. Seekor lintah akan mengeluarkan 3 hingga 5 pupa dalam sekali masa pembiakannya dan akan mengalihkan sendiri pupa2 tersebut.(menyusun) Beberapa kokun atau pupa yang terhasil dan bersedia mengeluarkan beberapa ekor anak lintah yang telah matang

Lintah - Pengiraan (New Update!!)
- 1 ekor induk Lintah membiak lebih kurang 25 ekor anak Lintah.

Jadi 1 tangki ternak 500 ekor induk lintah.
1 induk Lintah = 25 ekor Anak lintah
500 ekor induk x 25 ekor Anak Lintah Matang= 10,000 Anak lintah

12,500 / 200 anak lintah matang = 62.50kg
62.50kg x RM80.00(harga pasaran semasa)=(( RM5,000 !! ))

- Selepas 3 bulan keatas perlu memindakan anak lintah ke lain tangki untuk besarkan dan dijual.
- Lintah Matang boleh dijual selepas 6 bulan ke atas mengikut harga pasaran.

1. Kami ada menjual induk lintah:
Harga 1 ekor induk
= RM2.00 ( Tanpa perjanjian Kontrak beli balik)
( Kalau beli 1,000 ekor keatas RM1.60 sekor)

= RM2.50 ( Ada perjanjian kontrak beli balik)

Harga Untuk Sarawak = RM3.50/ekor.

Minimum order 200 ekor

Deposit 50% semasa membuat tempahan dan balance 50% sewaktu mengambil Lintah.
2. Saya Juga ada menjual Buku Panduan tentang info dan Cara2 penternakan Lintah dalam polytank berharga RM100 berserta memberi penerangan dan mengajar cara2 penternakan dan Cara2 menyediakan Kolam Lintah.

3. ebook juga ada dijual dengan harga Bukan RM80 tetapi RM50 sahaja.
Dengan membeli ebook kami mengenai semua kaedah penternakan. Harga ebook ialah RM50 sahaja termasuk khidmat nasihat berterusan sekiranya ada pertanyaan dan kemusykilan mengenai penternakan lintah.

Ebook akan dihantar dalam masa 1jam terus ke email anda setelah pengesahan pembayaran dibuat. Sila email bukti pembayaran ke atau sms ke 0135599980 dengan maklumat seperti berikut:-
Tarikh pembayaran
Masa pembayaran
Jumlah pembayaran
No telefon anda untuk memudahkan anda dihubungi jika timbul masalah pembayaran.
Nama bank di mana wang dimasukkan untuk membuat pembayaran

Cara Pembayaran
Maybank ( No. Akaun 510077704958 - Lintah Sabah Enterprise)

4. Makanan dan Booster Lintah ( 2 in 1 )dijual dgn harga RM30 satu pek.

Banyak kelebihan dengan menggunakan booster lintah ini. Antaranya :
1. Memudahkan proses penuaian berbanding menggunakan tanah sawah.

2. Tidak perlu kerap menukar air dalam polytank kerana anda tidak perlu menggunakan belut, keli dan darah lembu sebagai makanan utama.

3. Mengurangkan kos operasi serta dapat meningkatkan pendapatan anda.
4.Boleh meneroka pasaran di luar negara dan memperoleh pendapatan yang lebih tinggi. Lintah yang tidak makan darah mempunyai permintaan tinggi di luar negara terutama di Eropah.
5. Menjadikan badan lintah anda cantik dan molek berbanding menggunakan pasir. Jika anda menggunakan pasir dalam polytank, perhatikan lintah anda yang tidak duduk dalam air. Ia melekat bertempek-tempek di tepi-tepi tangki untuk menyejukkan badan. Pasir boleh mencederakan badan lintah dan menjadikan badan lintah cacat dan pecah-pecah.

6. Booster ini juga akan mengawal suhu air dan menjadi sebagai tempat tinggal lintah untuk mengawan dan bertelur di dalam tanah.

7. Tidak perlu kiambang kerana kiambang hanya akan membiakkan siput dan katak serta kuman lain dalam air.

Stok Lintah ada 10,000 ekor!
Cepat Booking Sekarang!!

( Mereka yang telah membayar Deposit akan di beri keutamaan ).


Modal Permulaan ( anggaran )
1. Induk 200 ekor X rm2.80 = RM560.00
2. Polytank 100galen = RM150
3. Bakul / baldi = RM7
4. Span = RM10
5. Gam Gepsin = RM5
6. Pasu Bunga Seramik = RM7
7. Booster Lintah RM30 X 3 = RM90 ( Untuk 3 bulan )

Jumlah =RM829.00
Untuk Tanah Sawah, Batu Sungai, Kiambang/keladi bunting adalah percuma!!..ambil ja ditepi-tepi jalan / sawah padi / sungai.


Anggaran Modal Untuk Teknik Kolam 100% menggunakan Booster.
1. Induk 200 ekor X rm2.80 = RM560.00
2. Polytank 100galen = RM150
3. Booster Lintah 10kg X RM25 = RM250 ( untuk 6 bulan tidak perlu beri makan)
Jumlah = RM960
Pakej Kolam Lintah( Kontrak Farming disediakan )
Pakej Ini adalah termasuk Setup Polytank untuk Daerah Kota Kinabalu, Penampang, Papar, Tuaran.
Cth Set Kolam Pembelian Pakej!!

Sila klik pada gambar untuk besarkan.

Sila Klik pada gambar untuk besarkan

Sila Hubungi Kami dengan segera:-

Albert Atau
Pengarah Urusan
Lintah Sabah Enterprise(F618264)
Lot 342 Taman Pasir Putih, Ph.2
Putatan, Sabah.
H/p: 013 5599980 / 019 8507491

Agen untuk Sabah.
Edward ( Marketing Executive )- 012 4360968
John ( Agen Pemasaran Keningau ) - 016 8358439
Rizal ( Agen Pemasaran Beaufort ) - 013 5426417
Canon ( Agen Pemasara Keningau ) - 016 8310199
Annuar ( Agen Pemasaran Lok kawi ) - 013 8545357

Agen Untuk Sawarak.
Mohamad Khalidie - 017 8585384 ( Bintulu )
Mohd Bin Rolie - 019 8182900 ( Bintulu )



Bekam Lintah!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Semasa lawatan Saya di Ladang Penternakan Lintah kepunyaan en.Said Selangor pada 20hb Dis 2008. Beliau telah mengusahakan ternakan Lintah ni hampir 2tahun. Menurut beliau pendapatan memang lumayan kalau kena pada cara.